What Can A 40 Pound Bow Kill? (We Find Out)

What Can A 40 Pound Bow Kill

If you want to be a bow and arrow hunter, there are plenty of aspects that you need to keep in mind. For example, you might need to make sure that you’re dressing according to the local laws in your region.

However, the most important aspect to keep in mind while picking a bow is its draw weight, as you want a bow that is powerful enough to kill your targets quickly without causing pain and suffering. This raises the question “what can a 40 pound bow kill?”

Ideally, a 40 pound bow is capable of killing a variety of small game efficiently, such as rabbits, waterfowl, turkey, squirrels, etc. Additionally, it’s capable of killing small species of deer, such as whitetails, especially if you hit it right. However, it may not be suitable for larger animals like moose or elk.

If you want to find out more about bow draw weight, and what exactly you should use, this article is for you. Keep on reading as we find out what each bow weight can and cannot hunt!

How Strong Is a 40 Lbs Bow?

How Strong Is a 40 Lbs Bow

The main drive force behind a bow’s power and even speed is the draw weight of a bow, which describes the amount of pulling force that an archer needs to exert on a bow in order to pull its strings.

In the case of a 40 pound bow, this means that the bow is the equivalent of pulling 40 pounds in that direction and launching it when the nook is released.

A 40 pound bow is strong enough to handle a wide range of small animals, which makes it an excellent choice for beginner hunters.

With a 40 pound bow, you’re capable of killing small mammals, such as squirrels, rabbits, raccoons, etc. 

Additionally, you’ll be able to hunt down several birds and waterfowl, including ducks, geese, turkey, and more.

In some states, the minimum draw weight required to hunt deer is 40 pounds, so you can also hunt deer in such an area.

Keep in mind that 40 pounds are recommended mostly for smaller species of deer, such as whitetail, as larger ones that won’t die instantly might suffer for a long time before dying, which is a bad sport.

Among the states that allow you to use 40 pound bows for hunting deer are Alaska, Arkansas, Connecticut, Idaho, Illinois, Massacustets, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island, Utah, Washington, Wyoming.

Ideally, you should limit your hunting to deer and anything smaller if you’re hunting with a 40 pound bow. This includes moose, elk, bears, boars, etc.

What Are the Different Types of Draw Weights for Bows?

The draw weight of a bow can vary from one model to the other, and you can find a huge range of bows out there with draw weights as little as 15 pounds and all the way up to 65 pounds. Additionally, a few manufacturers design bows with less or more than the average range of 15 to 65 pounds.

This means that a 40 pound bow is considered a medium draw weight bow that isn’t too hard or too easy to pull. For that reason, 40 pound bows are among the most popular bows out there.

Can a Bow Pierce Through Body Armor?

Although this might depend on the type of bow and arrows used, most modern high powered bows are capable of piercing through body armor due to their design, especially high-end compound bows.

However, when it comes to low draw weight bows like 35 and 40 pound bows, it may not be enough to cause significant damage if it managed to pierce through armor. 

Yet, it’s perfectly capable of causing serious harm and can even be fatal if it hits a human that isn’t wearing armor. 

How Far Can a 40 Pound Bow Shoot Accurately?

How Far Can a 40 Pound Bow Shoot Accurately

You should expect a standard 40 pound bow to work effectively at a range of about 30 to 50 yards (about 90 to 150 ft). 

However, the distance at which a 40 pound bow might depend on more than its draw power, as the type of bow used and the skill of the archer can also impact the accuracy of a specific bow.

For example, a long bow can shoot accurately when shot at a distance up to 100 meters (about 110 yards or 330 feet), and given a few circumstances, the bow may even shoot further. Read this guide if you want to find out more about that!

The speed of an arrow is usually measured at feet per second or fps. Ideally, once you release such a bow, you’re releasing 40 pounds that launches forward and transfers all its energy from the string to the arrow itself.

Of course, aerodynamics and the design of the arrow can play a major role in controlling the speed of the arrow. However, you should expect the arrow to travel at around 200 to 240 fps or even more.

What is the Suggested Draw Weight for Each Individual?

What is the Suggested Draw Weight for Each Individual

Ideally, a 40 pound bow is specifically designed for grown males with a relatively small build (about 120 to 150 lbs). 

However, a medium sized man who weighs anywhere between 150 to 200 lbs should also be capable of using such a bow with enough experience.

A 40 pound bow is difficult to be used by small and large-build children (anywhere between 70 to 120 lbs). 

However, a woman with medium to a large build (between 130 to 160 or more) can use a 40 pound bow, especially if she was perfectly capable of drawing 30 and 35 pound bows before.

Final Thoughts

This wraps it up for today’s guide that walks you through bow draw weights and what a 40 pound bow can kill.

As you can see, these kinds of bows are suitable for a beginner male bow hunter with a small build or a medium-frame female bow hunter. 

While these bows are excellent for hunting small game and deer to a certain extent, they’re not capable of killing larger game such as moose and elk.

If you want to know more about bowhunting and what you need for it, check this post where I break down the costs of bowhunting to answer the question “Is Bow Hunting Expensive?”


My name is Roland, and I have over a decade of experience in archery, both with bow and crossbow. I want to share the best tips and tricks about archery and help you reach the next level. So, browse through the blog and find relevant information about archery and stick around.

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